Well, Madam/Sir, it's very simple:
When you spend even 10 minutes on board, we cannot just charge for those ten minutes. The price charged mainly includes what you do not see:
- the approach time and the time when the driver stops accepting rides in order to make sure to arrive on time for yours
- the cost of approach: a driver can take 1 hour (and spend tens of euros in operating costs) to come and wait for you, and sometimes pay for waiting in the car park at your station/airport, and you are not spoken about fines since waiting on the public road is now considered as paid parking.
- washing costs...sometimes at the last minute...wouldn't you like to board...that ?
- and finally, the costs and wages during the time spent with you on board
- sometimes an empty return costs depending on time and destination
In summary, concrete example :
If you need a private driver to take you to the local train station at 6am (3km, 10min):
The driver will leave his home at 5am to be sure to arrive
It will drive several miles to you
He will arrive around 5:30 or 5:45 at your place, always at least 15min in advance
Departure 6am
Arrival at the station 6:10 a.m.
Return home between 6:40 a.m. and 7 a.m.
Results :
- from your point of view, you only covered 3km in 10min ! We know that you want to pay only 3km at 3€/km or 10€. It's human.
- from our point of view, the driver dedicated you from 5:00am to almost 7:00am in the morning, i.e. 1h30 to 2h of work.
Would you agree to work 1h30 to 2h to charge only €10, i.e. a net salary of €2.5 ?
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