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2024, olympic and epic year ?


From January 1, 2024, passenger vehicles with diesel engines will no longer be allowed in Paris (and its ZFE).

The vast majority of carriers and intensive users (taxis, uber, driving schools, ambulances, delivery guys, construction guys, etc.) having equipped themselves with diesels in recent years, they will then all have to invest or forcefully renew their fleets. A great opportunity to revive the automotive industry, also hard hit by the pandemic.

But then what consequences will you ask ?

Cleaner air ? Really not sure.

A safer street ? A pure sweet dream.

A pure harder bill ? For sure !

The prices of all these professionals will be revised upwards! Why ?

  • The price of the second-hand market collapsed, due to an unprecedented wave of available diesels (supply much higher than demand), therefore a resale of equipment at a much lower price. The winners will be young rural people, happy to be able to afford German cars instead of city and compact cars on their first purchase.

  • The price of the same machines with hybrid or electric motorization (unavailable at a lower cost on a new and almost non-existent second-hand market) cannot be lower than our good old diesel... polluting with fine particles, it is true.

  • The more a vehicle is equipped, the more this equipment or options will be likely to break down. Still costs to be expected. The few thousand euros needed for the conversion will be mechanically and irremediably passed on to the sale price!

What to fear:

  • a drop in the consumption of these services by part of the clientele, the most fragile, the most numerous

  • an increase in company dissolutions, possibly unemployment

  • and again mechanically, for lack of substantial competition, an increase in the rates charged by the remaining professionals, already indebted by an EMP.

What solutions, what alternatives to the policy pursued?

  • An ecology based on behavior change and not on forced consumption. For example, ensure that drivers no longer drive empty when going to or returning from the airport or an outlying area of ​​downtown. But of course, two cars running rather than one means VAT is collected twice rather than once !

  • Decompartmentalize the platforms and force or rather... motivate ($$$) the pooling of resources. Avoid a return trip being carried out by two different vehicles (saving 50% of emissions...unbeatable).

  • Postpone the deadline somewhat, clearly based on economic issues and not on the interests of the greatest number.

And we're not talking to you about the mass recycling of unsaleable diesels and batteries from "clean" vehicles... source of pollution isn't it ?

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